​United Way Profit In Education

Improving the education level of the potential and current workforce since 1989

About Profit In Education:

Through United Way Profit in Education, businesses, agencies and educators work together to decrease the high school dropout rate in St. Joseph. United Way Profit in Education continues to ensure that the community has an educated workforce by collaborating with and supporting education efforts across the community to increase the high school graduation rate in St. Joseph. 

The Programs:

United Way Reading Adventure: a program that helps kids maintain or improve their level of reading. United Way sends volunteers into classrooms and summer school/child care programs to read to and with children on a weekly basis to encourage a love of reading.

Now recruiting readers for winter 2025 - see the complete schedule of locations here!

Ready to read? Sign up to be a reader!

United Way Speakers' Bureau: a program that connects business and industry representatives with students by encouraging them to participate in career fair days at local schools; speak to classes about the duties and expectations in their industry; or meet with classes to assist them with project-based learning. 

Breakfast with the Experts: a program in which United Way works with middle and high school counselors to identify career interests of students and arrange a panel of professionals to speak to students about the paths available in their industry.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Jodi Flurry at 816.364.2381.

Contact Jodi Flurry

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