United Way of Greater St. Joseph Partner Agencies
United Way of Greater St. Joseph improves lives by supporting the following 17 area Partner Agencies.
Bartlett Center - serves as a focal point for community activity and programs including childcare and youth programs.
816.233.8201 bartlettcenter.com
Big Brothers Big Sisters - helps children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors who have measurable impact on youth.
816.671.4090 bbbsstjoe.org
Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Inc. - takes a multifaceted approach by providing housing and supportive services for homeless, disabled families; crisis pregnancy services; adoptions; senior transportation; emergency assistance; and workforce development.
816.232.2885 catholiccharities-kcsj.org
The CENTER, A Samaritan Center - provides professional, accessible counseling, psychological, and psychiatric services to promote the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of individuals.
816.364.4300 TheCENTERlistens.org
Children’s Mercy - serves the region as a pediatric medical center that provides comprehensive and specialized services to all children regardless of ability to pay.
816.234.3000 childrens-mercy.org
Community Missions (CMC) - provides permanent housing along with supportive services for men with disabilities who have been chronically homeless.
816.390.8884 cmcstjoe.org
Family Guidance Center for Behavioral Healthcare - offers an array of services to help people who are living with mental illness or addiction disorders live longer, healthier lives.
816.364.1501 fgcnow.org
InterServ - provides accredited preschool; youth out-of-school activities; immigration services; emergency assistance, food pantry, financial counseling; in-home/medical, nutrition and volunteer placement services for seniors.
816.238.4511 faithfullyserving.org
Legal Aid of Western Missouri - provides free, quality, civil legal assistance for those who have nowhere else to turn.
816.364.2325 lawmo.org
Northwest Missouri Community Services - provides multiple services to assist individuals and families in need to help improve stability.
816.364.1131 helpmenow.org
Pony Express Council, Boy Scouts of America - provides an educational program to build character, train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develop personal fitness.
816.233.1351 ponyexpressbsa.org
St. Joseph Safety and Health Council - promotes prevention of injury, illness and death by planning, conducting, promoting, and assisting in activities designed to decrease the number, severity, and cost of accidents.
816.233.3330 stjoesafetycouncil.org
The Salvation Army - assists those in crisis situations with residential shelter, emergency assistance, clothing, and household items. Also offers counseling, summer camps, and youth programs.
816.232.5824 salarmymokan.org
Specialty Industries - provides meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities in our community.
816.232.8083 specialty-industries.com
United Cerebral Palsy of Northwest Missouri - offers services to enhance independence and quality of life for children and adults with developmental disabilities, including early intervention, employment, and life skills.
816.364.3836 ucpnwmo.org
YMCA - provides healthy activities for children, adults, and families, turning no one away due to inability to pay.
816.671.9622 stjoymca.org
YWCA - provides comprehensive domestic violence and sexual assault services, including a 24-hour hotline and shelter for women and children, as well as licensed childcare, childcare resources, fitness/recreation, and women’s programs.
816.232.4481 ywcasj.org