United Way Invests in Our Community
Investing donated dollars to improve lives.
Allocations Process
Every spring, community volunteers with a variety of backgrounds participate in the United Way Allocations Process. Allocations volunteers examine United Way Partner Agency operations, programs, and finances and then recommend how much money should be allocated to each agency the following year. Funding recommendations are presented to the United Way Board of Directors for review and final approval. The work of volunteers ensures that donor dollars are used to achieve the greatest impact in the areas of education, health and financial stability and that United Way of Greater St. Joseph is accountable to donors.
Volunteers are placed on one of six subcommittees, and each subcommittee reviews two-three United Way Partner Agencies. The volunteers dedicate 10-15 hours total. Each subcommittee meets approximately five times. Last year, more than 100 volunteers participated in the United Way Allocations Process.
Community Investment Fund
United Way Community Investment Fund is a year-round grant opportunity for organizations to meet emerging and emergency needs in the community. Qualifying agencies may apply for funds throughout the year. To apply, agencies must complete an application process. Each application is reviewed by volunteers who present funding recommendations to the United Way Board of Directors.