Recent Outcomes - Financial Stability

Financial Stability 

Last year, because you gave...

  • 134 men, women, and children received emergency shelter.
  • 112 previously homeless households (176 people) lived in transitional, permanent, or supportive housing.
  • 5,060 food orders were provided to families in need of assistance.
  • 153 adults with disabilities held jobs through sheltered and supported employment.
  • More than $257,000 was saved on prescription medication by area residents with a prescription discount card. 
  • More than 700 people provided Christmas to 2,326 families and individuals in need.
  • More than 100 volunteers guided decisions for $2.39 million distributed in our community.
  • 48 high school students with disabilities received summer work experience. 
  • 153 low-income or elderly people were represented at no cost for non-criminal court cases

“Shelly’s” addiction had taken over her life and left her sleeping outside, eating lunch every day at the Open Door Food Kitchen and caused her to lose custody of her son. She reunited with her son and they both lived in The Salvation Army Booth Center Shelter for Families. Shelly stayed connected to Family Guidance Center for support with her addictions, as well as her mental health and they developed a treatment plan. The Salvation Army staff partnered with Families in Transition through the St. Joseph School District to make sure her son had activity passes so he could get involved in his school and make friends. Because of the support she’s received, Shelly is on a path to recovery, is employed part-time and her son is doing well in school.
